Here's the weblips links from last months magazine...
...John Castle has been scouring the interwebs and sent me this link to an old Wheeler Dealer’s video from 2000, hope it works OK on your computer, the sound is OK on mine but the video is a little jumpy:
Here are a couple of non-car links, you may have noticed by now that I am a bit of a fan of “Parkour”, this is what is also known as Free Running, the chap (Damian Walters) in this next video is a bit of an expert, you may have seen a video of him that I have posted before:
How about some very high speed downhill (well, luge actually) skateboarding? Sounds like a great use of the facilities when there’s no ice about!
OK, back to car stuff, who can remember the terrible accident that happened to Alex Zanardi in 2001, I have to admit that I remembered the name but not the accident, anyway, he’s never given up competing but he has changed four wheels for three, here’s a very motivating story:
Another thing I like to watch is drifting, some people think it’s all out of control, and simply ruins tyres, well yes, it does ruin tyres but the drivers are very skilled, here’s a video that includes an unusual Mercedes wagon doing a spot of drifting:
Q cars, you have to love them, what looks like an ordinary everyday car turns out to be a bit of a “sleeper”, how about a MK2 Golf with 900hp? Read the story and watch the video on PistonHeads here:
How long do you keep your “ordinary” cars, I mean the ones that you use to get you to work every day, the “shopping” cars, not the ones that get polished to within an inch of their lives? How about this guy in the states who has done over 1,000,000 miles in his…..wait for it….Honda Accord! To reward him Honda gave him a new one, and held a massive celebration in his home town, well done Honda, and man have you got patience Joe!
One last non car related one, one for the tech geeks out there, this is the “OmniTouch”, a “wearable depth-sensing and projection system that enables interactive multitouch applications on everyday surfaces”, watch the video, it’s cool.
That’s it for this month, don’t forget to send me your links.
To see all the webclips links on-line please visit the blog
I could really do with some help in finding interesting stuff on the internet so please do email me with your ideas for links I can include in future editions of WebClips. We also have our own video channel here: and our photos on flickr here: Also, don’t forget that we now have a Facebook page here: , Twitter account (@BMWCCGB) and a blog please take a look and get involved!
Please send me links to any interesting items you find on your travels around the interwebs and I'll see if we can get it mentioned here in a future edition of the magazine.
Have fun and be safe on the interwebs!
Have fun and be safe on the interwebs!