Webclips from last months magazine...
Be careful when jump starting your car! |
Welcome to webclips, another eclectic mix of links again this month, I’m starting with a bit of a close shave, watch this video to see why: http://bit.ly/skS49B The next one is a new version of a story I have heard many times before, usually for rallying but occasionally for racing, you probably know the story, the race car needs a part, the team doesn’t have it and so they look for a suitable donor in the car par, well, on this occasion they already had the donor car ready as they have invited the owner of a car they “borrowed” parts from last year to hang out with the team as a thanks you! http://jalo.ps/tYTfg0
I have shared a video like this with you before, it’s a roller-blader called Jean Yves Blondeau, I think some of the footage is a repeat from the old video but this now one is well worth a watch! http://bit.ly/vK10mL
I really can’t work out the “rider” in this next video actually stayed alive, you’ll just have to watch it to see what I mean: http://bit.ly/vgMoLL
How about washing your car with one bucket of water? No pre-wash or leather down afterwards required! http://bit.ly/vlFN3c
I got this next one thanks to member Chris Tranter, it’s also topical. As I am sure you know, BMW are a main sponsor of the London 2012 Olympics and so I think we will probably see more of this kind of thing: http://bit.ly/sCxmNR
Here’s an old Fifth gear “fun” test, where Tiff and Jason test an M3 and a Lexus ISF, it’s all done in the interests of science…not http://bit.ly/rABhh0
With the release of the new M5 I thought you might like to take a look at a summary of the life of the previous M5s, there’s a nice collection of videos along with a link to the original BMW Press release from July 2010: http://aol.it/s9P56J
That’s it for this month, don’t forget to send me your links, I leave you all with this picture, it’s a piece of BBC Top Gear clothing so some of you may have had this giggle before: http://bit.ly/vcUoTq
I could really do with some help in finding interesting stuff on the internet so please do email me with your ideas for links I can include in future editions of WebClips. We also have our own video channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/BMWCCGB and our photos on flickr here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/bmwccgb/. Also, don’t forget that we now have a Facebook page here: http://tiny.cc/j7tde , Twitter account (@BMWCCGB) and a blog www.bmwccgb.blogspot.com please take a look and get involved!
Please send me links to any interesting items you find on your travels around the interwebs and I'll see if we can get it mentioned here in a future edition of the magazine.
Have fun and be safe on the interwebs!
Have fun and be safe on the interwebs!