Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Guest blog entry: Jonathan Bordell on Audi

Darren and those other nice people at The BMW Car Club have asked me to contribute to the Club's blog, and in the few minutes I can grab here and there I'll try to jot down the few musings that I have during the course of my working day. 

Now just as a formal introduction I should explain that I help Barney with Classic Heroes, some of you may have seen my recent article in Straight Six; hopefully it shows that I am an enthusiast first and foremost. So my ramblings on here are those of an enthusiast and in no way represent the views of Classic Heroes etc. etc.

Now, with the politics out the way, firstly I'd like to say a big thank you to Audi. Why? Well as far as I can see they have drawn away all the 'owners' that gave BMW owners a bad name. Like the Pied Piper they have flashed their shiny LED eyebrows and tempted them into the Audi fold. Great, that's left all the nice people owning BMW's. Now obviously prejudice aside and in the interests of impartiality I'd like to let you know I have driven two new Audi's in the last month a Q7 and an A4. The Q7 was enormous, why I have no idea, but they are, to be frank, the ergonomics were so poor I couldn't even work out how to change the radio station. However my abiding memory was of the sports seats. They were rock hard; I might as well have been sitting on a plank of wood. I never want to hear a journalist moaning about BMW run flats gain, I think Audi seats also don't have any 'give' in them.

As for the A4, a popular if not "the" popular rival for the 3 series, well I thought Audi's were meant to be well finished, this one wasn't, hard scratchy plastics, indifferent panel fit, it was a mess. I think I'll leave Audi to those 'special people'.

The lights of the Pied Piper?

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed that a jokey throw away line by a non technical journalist on Top Gear can have so much apparent effect.

    Personally I do not believe "all Audi drivers are cocks". That is one of those sweeping all inclusives that some journalists like. Some drivers of any brand will be of the cock persuasion. But frankly I don't see any evidence of it being exclusively Audi centred.
    Certainly not every White Van Man is a homicidal maniac, and the late Queen Mother was not everybody's favourite Gran. Most of us never knew her personally
