Sunday 26 February 2012

WebClips - links to items on the interwebs

Webclips from last months magazine

Welcome to webclips, sit down, strap in and turn the volume up to maximum for this first one! it’s Erich Edlinger in his BMW 320 (E30) IRL at Kitzeck in 2011, sounds fabulous! I have to admit there’s not much E30 left but it certainly goes!
This next one is from PistonHeads, how about a 500HP Audi A1? This car was built by VW Group tuning specialists MTM, they call it the “Nardo” edition, story  here: and video here:
I’m not really into surfing, I have had a go a body boarding whilst on holiday in Cornwall and that can be great fun, but this is in another league: It was shot off the coast of Tahiti near the village of Teahupoo, I think they actually call them “Teahupoo’s”.
How about a shortened 205 GTi doing VERY tight donuts? Stoppies? it looks like fun but I think I’d probably be dizzy doing that many donuts that quickly!
Bit of class next, the Targa Florio as recorded in 1972, it’s almost a mini documentary at nearly 10 minutes long…. 
How about digging up a Dino 246 GT in your back garden whilst getting those last few potatoes out at the end of the year, what you mean you don’t have a car under your patio? You’re missing out!
What do you think about the “check engine” warning light? I guess most of you reading this will be better informed than most so will appreciate why it’s there, Jason Torchinsky of Jalopnik thinks they should be banned, here’s his argument:
And finally, this is what I want fitted to the back (and front!) of my car, a very clever “Gatling” gun exhaust pipe contraption:
To see all the webclips links on-line please visit the blog
I could really do with some help in finding interesting stuff on the internet so please do email me with your ideas for links I can include in future editions of WebClips.  We also have our own video channel here: and our photos on flickr here: Also, don’t forget that we now have a Facebook page here: , Twitter account (@BMWCCGB) and a blog please take a look and get involved!
Please send me links to any interesting items you find on your travels around the interwebs and I'll see if we can get it mentioned here in a future edition of the magazine.

Have fun and be safe on the interwebs!

Saturday 11 February 2012

M Power eZine

I have just uploaded an early copy of the MPower eZine to issuu here:

It's a members only eZine but we thought it would be good to share a copy with our non members so that they can see what they are missing!

There are also a few old club magazines available so that you folks can see the quality of our monthly publication:

Hope you enjoy them!